Keep Going, A Note From Quinn

Keep Going.
A theme that has riddled 2020 and beyond; has sung true for Baqette, now for almost a decade. Life doesn't wait for you, with one foot in front of the other, you gotta just keep going. This theme has stuck with me, as I have seen the waves of growth and persistence in this business. When I first started experimenting and playing with leather, I couldn't have guessed that 10 years later, I'd still be experimenting and exercising my creative muscles in the same medium.
But I just kept going. It has continually been a place of wonder and excitement for me, and although many many other businesses have run circles around Baqette, nothing told me to stop. So I kept going. And here we are. We sometimes wait for a door to close, or a door to open, but it's in this remarkable space that we've kept going just to see where we could go.
I'm thrilled to bring more to you, more inspiration, more ideas and more leather goods. We'll keep going for you, for us. We'll never know where we end up if we keep going.
- Quinn, Owner & Founder of Baqette
*Cover Art*
Collage by Harrison McIlhargey, brother to Quinn