The Art & the Artist: 'The Darkest Night'


Harrison McIlhargey is the artist behind the print, 'The Darkest Night.' Harrison is a talented collage artist, painter, farmer, adventurist, and creative human; who I so luckily get to call my brother. Harrison shares the meaning behind this print and the importance of sharing love & life with those around us.
"Just before christmas in 2020, my cousin Ariel tragically took her own life. The news of her death was a shock to me, as well as the countless friends and family members that so closely surrounded her. Ariel's death is a horrific reminder of the perils of the human condition, and the mental struggle that so many of us endure daily. Her death put me in a state of urgency- to tell everyone in my life (including myself) just how much I care about them, to tell them of their importance in this world, to remind them that there is hope and joy just around the corner from suffering, and to beg them to stay here with us.
You cannot anticipate the grief that one feels losing a loved one, nor is there one particular way that grieving looks like. Feeling aimless and numb, I chose to express my grief through words and imagery-paying homage to Ariel's vibrant life.
I made this print, with the words of Victor Hugo, hoping that it would strike a cord with others and offer hope in the darkest of times.
I hope that this print, now hanging in the homes of many people, will spark conversation about the fragile parts of life that can be so easily hidden. Please, reach out to your people and let them know you love them. Hold them close and let them into your lives. Let people know when you are struggling. After all, all we really have on this earth is each other."
* you can find more of Harrison's art here.
* you can find more of Harrison's art here.
All proceeds from the sale of this print will be donated to 1N5, an non-profit whose mission is to prevent suicide by erasing the stigma of mental illness and promoting optimal mental wellness.
We can all help prevent suicide.
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